What You Can Expect
from Rocky Top

Livestock Care

Our livestock are grown responsibly by not just being allowed to survive and produce, but to thrive in more natural environments. Our hogs are kept in large lots and rotated out to pasture paddocks routinely. These hogs are not kept indoors or on concrete. The sheep graze native grasses and forbs in a majority forage diet as opposed to grain fed in dry lots. In winter they are fed hay crops we have produced here of native forage and kept in large dry lots to allow plenty of room. We do not force the sheep to lamb in winter, but instead lamb naturally in late Spring when the forage is plenty. Our poultry are raised truly free range and are allowed to roam the vast barnyard and paddocks to seek out natural foods such as seeds and insects—this makes for more robust flavored eggs and reduces fly populations and other insect pests.

Integrated Pest Management

Rocky Top Ranch is operated using a version of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with strong preference for organic applications as much as is practical and available. In our version of IPM we focus on fostering genetic strength and natural adaptations in both livestock and plants to overcome local ailments, parasites, and pests. Livestock are chosen that are compatible with the environment here at the farm as well as compatible with each other. Instead of working against what is naturally occurring here on this land, we seek to learn what works here and how to use what is here. To explain in simple terms, our IPM approach to a small amount of infestation of undesirable weeds such as thistles would be to use a hoe to dig them out. A larger area of thistles may require mowing out with a rotary mower at a later growth stage. A massive infestation of thistles such as many acres in an area incapable of being mowed may present a decision to apply chemical herbicide. However we strive to avoid such an infestation from occurring through yearly management of thistles. Since 2010, Rocky Top Ranch has not used chemical herbicides that are outside of OMRI standards.